Success is accomplished if you can easily detect the risks that might compromise it
Safety at Work Centre is a licenced company authorised to offer services in safety at work and fire safety. With all the necessary authorizations, we have a long-term experience and expertise which make a difference.
We implement different actions which ensure safer conditions in your working environment. Risk evaluation, employee training, various technical testing and creating needed documentation are just some of our services.
Keeping in mind, if there are any oversights - all responsibility remains on you as the employer. So, we can offer you thoroughness and complete solutions. This makes us well known inside safety inspection circles, where our work is often mentioned as an example of good service.
Workers in businesses such as construction, manufacture and similar industries are regularly exposed to different risks. Injuries are brought on by, for example, machines, tools and dangerous chemicals.
However, something else increases the risk of work-related injuries for a staggering 70%, and that is lack of sleep.
The effects of fatigue can be compared to those of alcohol, while poor judgement and decreased motor skills can easily lead to dangerous consequences.
80% of people who work office jobs for a longer period of time suffer from a milder or more severe spine deformity.
About the same percentage of people have vision problems, and an increasing number of persons suffer from fatty liver syndrome.
Furthermore, about 75% of office workers don’t drink enough fluids at work, which leads to headaches and lack of concentration.
According to the Act, it is the employer’s duty to organise and implement health and safety at work, whether if he takes care of it himself or hires a licensed company.
A shocking statistic shows that in four years’ time (from the beginning of 2017 to the end of 2020), the number of work-related injuries resulting in death increased by 100%.
Na temelju čl. 55. Zakona o zaštiti na radu poslodavci su obvezni izraditi plan evakuacije i spašavanja za slučaj potrebe te sve radnike upoznati s donesenim planom...
Poslodavci su u skladu s odredbama čl. 56 Zakona o zaštiti na radu, obvezni organizirati odnosno osigurati pružanje prve pomoći radnicima i drugim osobama do pružanja hitne medicinske pomoći ili do prijema u zdravstvenu ustanovu.