In case you have completed the activities related to health and safety at work earlier, certain documentation which isn’t strictly related to your workspace will be valid in the new space as well.
Certain internal acts, documentation on fire extinguishing training of authorised personnel, documentation on first aid training, as well as other documentation which isn’t strictly related to business space.
A large portion of your documentation is related to work environment and activities that are to be performed in your business spaces, and this documentation also represents a proof on completed duties. This is why it should be updated or made once again, from the start.
Some of these documents are records on mandatory tests in new business spaces, risk evaluation, records on employee training in safe work manner, evacuation and rescue plan, record of evacuation and rescue training, and other documentation related to workspace.
If there are any doubts on your existing documentation or activities done regarding health and safety at work, feel free to contact us. We will gladly answer all your questions and offer you services which you need.